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Example using functional connectivity as brain features

In this example we'll run a BWAS analysis using functional connectivity as brain features. Resulting \( \beta\)-weights will be used to predict the corresponding brain-derived behavioral scores. Here we assume you have succesfully downloaded the toolbox and associated data. Here we are using as brain features connectivity matrices obtained using macaque data that was parcellated using the Bezgin ROI set with network assignment by Grayson, et. al., 2016.


BWAS: Estimating beta-weights

The first part of the analysis is to calculate the \( \beta\)-weights. This section describes how to do it using Matlab and also using the container. See Detailed specs. for details about input arguments.

Runing the code using Matlab

Once you have opened Matlab and added to your session the path to the repo, define the input arguments:

                        path_imaging_reference = '/home/example1/input_data/fconn.mat';
             path_demographics_Table_reference = '/home/example1/input_data/demographcis_Table.csv';
  path_dictionary_demographics_Table_reference = '/home/example1/input_data/Dictionary_for_demographics_Table.csv';
             path_group_Design_Table_reference = '/home/example1/input_data/Group_Design_Table.csv';
                            output_folder_BWAS = '/home/example1/BWAS';
                        path_parcellation_table= '/home/example1/input_data/parcel.mat';
               path_Group_Color_Table_reference= '/home/example1/input_data/Group_Color_Table.csv';
                        model='lutein_PCA1 ~ brain_feature-1';

Now, you can call the function as follows:

run_BWAS (path_imaging_reference,...

Once the run is completed, all the files will be saved in the folder you defined as output folder (in this example is /home/example1/BWAS). This folder will contain the following subfolders:

├── /home/example1  
    ├── BWAS
        └── tables
        ├── figures
            └── weights_explainedvariance
            ├── scatter_plots
               └── by_networks
            └── relativecontributions_plots
            └── pvalues_explainedvariance
            └── manhattan_plots
        └── ciftis

The section Exploring outputs describes all the outputs.

Bonus: Consider re-runing the code using the following model model='lutein_PCA1 ~ brain_feature+Diet+betacarotene_PCA1+1, i.e., adding the intersect and controlling for the variables Diet and betacarotene_PCA1.

Runing the code using the container

With a running version of Singularity, and the most up to date container, in a shell terminal you can run the BWAS, polyneuro risk score scripts. To run BWAS, you need to define the following variables :


                        path_imaging_reference = '/home/example1/input_data/fconn.mat';
             path_demographics_Table_reference = '/home/example1/input_data/demographcis_Table.csv';
  path_dictionary_demographics_Table_reference = '/home/example1/input_data/Dictionary_for_demographics_Table.csv';
             path_group_Design_Table_reference = '/home/example1/input_data/Group_Design_Table.csv';
                            output_folder_BWAS = '/home/example1/BWAS';
                        path_parcellation_table= '/home/example1/input_data/parcel.mat';
               path_Group_Color_Table_reference= '/home/example1/input_data/Group_Color_Table.csv';
                        model='lutein_PCA1 ~ brain_feature-1';

Once the variables are defined, you can excecute the BWAS script using the line below in your favourite shell terminal

To run the container

        singularity run -B $base_folder:$base_folder container_bwas.sif bwas \
        -path_imaging_reference $path_imaging_reference \
        -path_demographics_table_reference $path_demographics_Table_reference \
        -path_dictionary_demographics_table_reference $path_dictionary_demographics_Table_reference \
        -path_group_design_table_reference $path_group_Design_Table_reference \
        -output_folder $output_folder_BWAS \
        -model $model \
        -path_parcellation_table $path_parcellation_table

The expression "-B $base_folder:$base_folder" in the container command, mounts the folder $base_folder as a virtual unit located in $base_folder. Its required when the container does not have access to this path in the local unit and part or all the data is located.

├── /home/example1  
    ├── BWAS
        └── tables
        ├── figures
            └── weights_explainedvariance
            ├── scatter_plots
               └── by_networks
            └── relativecontributions_plots
            └── pvalues_explainedvariance
            └── manhattan_plots
        └── ciftis

Once the \( \beta\)-weights are calculated, you can use them to predict scores in an independent sample. Weights and explained variance files are saved in a subfolder named tables/ within the folder that contains the outputs of the BWAS analyses. See Detailed specs. for details about input arguments/

PNRS: Estimating risk

Runing the code using Matlab

First, you need to define input arguments:

                       path_imaging_target = '/home/example1/input_data/fconn.mat';
            path_demographics_Table_target = '/home/example1/input_data/demographcis_Table.csv';
 path_dictionary_demographics_Table_target = '/home/example1/input_data/Dictionary_for_demographics_Table.csv';

                          path_betaweights = '/home/example1/BWAS/tables/brain_feature.csv';
                             path_Rsquared = '/home/example1/BWAS/tables/Rsquared.csv';
          path_reference_table_by_networks = '/home/example1/BWAS/tables/correlations_by_networks.csv';

                         output_folder_PNS = '/home/example1/PNRS';
            path_group_Design_Table_target = '/home/example1/input_data/Group_Design_Table.csv';
             path_Group_Color_Table_target = '/home/example1/input_data/Group_Color_Table.csv';

Now, you can call the function as follows:


Once the run is completed, all the files will be saved in the folder you defined as output folder (in this example is /home/example1/PNRS). This folder will contain the following subfolders:

├── /home/example1/
    ├── PNRS
        └── tables
            └── weights_explainedvariance
        └── figures
            └── weights_explainedvariance
            └── scores
            └── scatter_plots
                └── by_top_connection
                └── by_networks
            └── pvalues_explainedvariance_2_samples
            └── pvalues_explainedvariance
            └── explainedvariance_and_null

The section Exploring outputs describes all the outputs.

Runing the code using the container

With a running version of Singularity, and the most up to date container, in a shell terminal you can run the polyneuro risk score scripts. To run PNRS, you need to define the following variables :


                       path_imaging_target = '/home/example1/input_data/fconn.mat'
            path_demographics_Table_target = '/home/example1/input_data/demographcis_Table.csv'
 path_dictionary_demographics_Table_target = '/home/example1/input_data/Dictionary_for_demographics_Table.csv'

                          path_betaweights = '/home/example1/BWAS/tables/brain_feature.csv'
                             path_Rsquared = '/home/example1/BWAS/tables/Rsquared.csv'
          path_reference_table_by_networks = '/home/example1/BWAS/tables/correlations_by_networks.csv'

                         output_folder_PNS = '/home/example1/PNRS'
            path_group_Design_Table_target = '/home/example1/input_data/Group_Design_Table.csv'
             path_Group_Color_Table_target = '/home/example1/input_data/Group_Color_Table.csv'
                               base_folder = '/home/example1/'

To execute the script you need to type the following line in your favourite shell terminal. If you use the flag "-path_reference_table_by_networks" you also need to complete the arguments "-path_group_Design_Table_target" and "-path_Group_Color_Table_target"

singularity run -B $base_folder:$base_folder $container pnrs \
-path_imaging_target $path_imaging_target \
-path_betaweights $path_betaweights \
-path_Rsquared $path_Rsquared \
-path_reference_table_by_networks $path_reference_table_by_networks \
-path_demographics_Table $path_demographics_Table_reference \
-path_dictionary_demographics_Table $path_dictionary_demographics_Table_reference \
-path_group_Design_Table $path_group_Design_Table_reference \
-output_folder $output_folder_PNRS